As women I believe we are subconsciously taught to put on a brave face. So often we face insurmountable amounts of pain and let downs, but we keep everything to ourselves all bottled up inside and we just deal with it. Many mask their pain with alcohol, prescriptions, overeating, compulsive shopping, but on the inside you are dying and you just don't know how to cope with the issue you are facing.
As I face my own trials and tribulations God revealed to me an analogy that I pray will help other women. He showed me that trials are like giving birth. The pain is great. In many times the pain is unbearable but you can't stop pushing. You continue to push because you know that the result of your pushing is a beautiful gift on the other side, and if you stop pushing that beautiful gift could possibly die. You may have been given medication so that the pain is numbed but you must still endure the process of labor. Some labors are quick, and yet some are so long they seem like they may never end. But you stay strong and you stay committed to the birthing process.
If you lost your job...keep pushing. Your husband left...keep pushing. You didn't get the house you wanted...keep pushing. You didn't get the promotion...keep pushing. You didn't get the loan for your small business...keep pushing. You failed that course...keep pushing. I assure you what hurts now is only giving birth to something beautiful. Don't give up! Don't give in! Continue to labor, something beautiful is on the other end of your pain.