A while ago on Facebook, I posted about the story of Ruth, and I focused on how she worked and positioned herself in order to attract Boaz.
I also want to point out that while in her "single season" Ruth did not (as far as we know) gripe about being single. This brought to my attention that although publicly I try not to gripe, privately, with friends and family, I often times speak on my desire for a mate. God knows fully well that I desire a husband. He knows what's in my heart. As single Christian women/men one must have absolute trust that Jehovah knows what's best for us and has our best interest at heart. Even if that means we never marry [again]. I however have full faith that I will remarry; not just because it is my desire but because an elder prayed this prayer for me without me even asking. Single people of God we have to learn to be quite, and to be still. We have to learn to fully trust God and his timing. What was supposed to take the Israelites 11 days took them 40 years because they couldn't keep their mouths closed.
So part of my advice to single Christians is to SHUT UP! Not only are other people probably tired of hearing you gripe, but God is too. He knows what he has in store for you. Shut your mouth, trust God, get yourself right while you wait, serve God; and take the counsel of wise elders. Ruth obeyed Naomi. She didn't question, she didn't go ask her peers. She followed the advice of a godly elder.
Look I know it's hard and often times lonely being single. And if you're a single parent the angst intensifies. But be diligent about the work of God, be fervent about the work of God, honor Him, trust Him, remain obedient and in time your single season will pass.
Peace and blessings.